Thursday, December 17, 2015

Be Joyful

Do you serve God with your head or do you serve God with your heart?  In the Old Testament book of wisdom, the Proverbs, are found commands like these -- keep my commands in your heart ... write them [love and faithfulness] on the tablet of your heart ... trust in the Lord with all your heart ... above all else, guard your heart (see Proverbs 3:1-6, 4:20-23).

Even more pronounced during this season of celebrating the birth of Jesus, many are experiencing broken hearts, physical sickness, depression, stress, unhealthy emotions, mental illness, hustle and bustle, hurry up, loneliness, grief, sadness, unhappiness, bitterness, regret, lack, poverty, hurry up and wait, conflict, loss, confusion, fear, and the list goes on.   Through it all, make the choice to be even more determined to serve God with your heart.

How, you may be thinking?  Be joyful.  Rejoice in the Lord always.   Sing joyfully to the Lord, e.g., "joy to the world, the Lord is come."  Joyfully, show random acts of kindness to others.  Speak joyfully to all who you encounter.  Rejoice always.  Smile joyously.  Remember the fruit of the spirit, "love, joy, peace ... ."  Allow Jesus to restore to you the joy of His salvation.  From the depths of your heart, will you be joyful?


Tuesday, December 8, 2015

What Can I Give Him

"What can I give Him poor as I am?
If I were a shepherd, I'd give Him a lamb. 
If I were a wise man, I'd do my part.
But what can I give Him? I'll give Him my heart."
How can I give Him my heart, you may be thinking? I'm glad you asked. If you have first accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then give Him your heart in worship. Next question may be -- so what is worship? Worship is adoration, bowing before God in reverence, showing respect and honor, worshipping in spirit and in truth. Much can be learned about worship through the Christmas story (see Luke 1). During her visit with the older woman Elizabeth who was pregnant with John, the virgin Mary bowed and worshiped in song as she carried the Holy Child. Due to his unbelief, the older priest Zechariah who was married to Elizabeth was unable to speak until after their child, John, was born. At that time, he too worshiped through a song of prophecy. 

Jewish rabbis of old have said that "study of the Word is the highest form of worship." Old Testament Scripture reminds us to honor the Lord with our wealth, with our firstfruits. The wise (scholarly) men, who knew the prophecies and studied astronomy, traveled a great distance to worship the baby Jesus and give Him their best gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. 

Beginning with this season of celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, will you give Him your heart through increased worship -- adoration, reverence, honor, giving, study of the Word?

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Prepare Him Room

Joy to the world! the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King;
let ev’ry heart prepare Him room . . .
(from the familiar Christmas carol, Joy to the World).

In this season of Christmas, who is your heart preparing room for? Some recent headlines featured in The Birmingham News -- "Another Day, another shooting and no solutions; Boy, 12, shot on Birmingham playground by 13 year old after jokes exchanged; 2 women die in early morning Calhoun County fire; 'I live on Facebook,' says Alabama man who threatened to 'blow up' high school; Man shot by woman on Thanksgiving Day now identified; 3 men indicted in Montgomery sex trafficking ring; Gadsden couple reports armed robbery, $3,200 taken."

Given all the darkness in the world, in our families and personal lives, can you agree that we need to prepare room for The Light of the World. Who is that, you may be thinking? Jesus said in John 8:12, "I am the light of the world.  He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life."

Tonight, go into a dark room with an unlit candle and matches, or with a flashlight or penlight, or with your cell phone darkened.  Quietly, begin to think about the dark places in your life this Christmas --  i.e., your disappointments, hurts, fears, frustrations, lack, sickness, disease, loneliness, unemployment, etc.  Turn on the light and see the changes in the room. What can you now see that you couldn't see in the dark?  Begin to consider how The Light of the World can come in and turn your places of darkness to light.  Write down your thoughts, dreams, aspirations, and promises of God.  Not only are you experiencing The Light of the World, but now recognize the Prince of Peace resting, abiding, and ready to take rule in your heart.

In your heart during this Christmas season, prepare Him room today and in the days ahead!!!