Tuesday, June 28, 2016

$$$ - Cost of Full Commitment

Is there a cost to be fully committed?  Yes.  Do I really have to pay a price for full commitment?  Yes.  Okay, let's consider what full commitment costs.  Being fully committed to truth, his earthly father, the lessons he learned about God, and his dreams cost Joseph being sold by his brothers into slavery .... imprisoned for something he never did ... false accusations ... loneliness ... growing into manhood apart from his family ... and so much more.  A costly price to pay, right?  Ultimately, truth and justice prevailed, though not before Joseph paid the high cost for being fully committed.

Today, what's the cost to us for full commitment?  Loving one another as Jesus did.  Making no excuses.  Putting first things first, setting priorities.  Living a disciplined lifestyle.  Giving our best, nothing less.  Walking by faith and not by sight. Trusting in the Lord with all our heart.  Praying without ceasing.  And more . . .

No matter the cost, make the choice to be fully committed to the Lord your God in all things, at all times, in all ways, with all your heart (see 1 Kings 8:61).  Today, what price will you pay?

Saturday, June 18, 2016

What Does FULLY COMMITTED Look Like?

For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen
those whose hearts are FULLY COMMITTED to him.

1 Chronicles 16:9

What does being fully committed to something or someone look like?  I'm fully committed to earning the paycheck that I get from my job every two weeks.  Therefore, I show up to work regularly, consistently, work 8-10 hours a day, try to do what's asked and expected of me, seek to do my job well, be loyal to my employer, etc.  I'm fully committed to living in my home.  So I make the mortgage payment monthly, on time, and in full, year after year.  I'm fully committed to taking care of my body, actually I'm kind of committed, more like partly committed.  So I purchase a gym membership, and pay to have a trainer work with me three times a week.  Without too much resistance or outright refusal on my part, I pretty much do what he asks of me.  Most times, I stay with an exercise even when it burns and hurts because he encourages me.  He pushes me.  He tells me I can do it.

So what does being fully committed to God look like?  Does it look like Daniel when he chose to be fully committed to praying three times a day to the True and Living God only.  For Daniel, his choice meant being thrown into a den of lions.  Given Daniel's choices, would you lessen your commitment, or walk away from it completely?  Would you choose partial commitment like praying to God when no one was looking, or not praying in public "in the name of Jesus?" Would you choose not to attend called prayer meetings because it requires going to church either earlier or another day?

God does for us so much more than my trainer does for me.  He reminds us that we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us (see Philippians 4:13).  He supports us in knowing that with Him, nothing is impossible or too hard (see Luke 1:37, Jeremiah 32:27).  God promises to strengthen, fully support, show himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are FULLY COMMITTED to Him.  Are you FULLY COMMITTED?

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Committed or Fully Committed

Being committed or being fully committed -- is there a difference between the two?  I've come to realize that I am committed to a lot of things and in a lot of areas, but apparently, I am not fully committed to a lot of those things. This probably holds true for you as well.  We make commitments and then not be fully committed to honoring them.   First of this year, I made a commitment to being in bed ready for sleep no later than 10:30. While I'd like to say that I'm about 50% there, in actuality I'm missing the commitment more than I am making it.  I have a commitment to healthy eating wherein I might be 70% there.  I have a commitment to the scriptural command to pray without ceasing.  Am I committed or fully committed to this command?  Even my three times a day commitment to prayer is a more occasional than full commitment. Maybe these are just my issues, unlike with you.

I expect God to be fully committed to me.  Should He not expect me to reciprocate?  We are reminded through Solomon's prayer (see 1 Kings 8:61) that our hearts must be fully committed to the Lord, to live by His decrees and obey His commands.  Fully committed is also expressed in some translations as wholly devoted, perfect, wholly true, blameless, loyal. God's promises are so needed in our lives, and too good for us to want anything less.  Will you challenge me as I challenge you to move past being committed to being fully committed (see 2 Chronicles 16:9)?

What does a heart fully committed to God look like? How is a  fully committed heart expressed?  Through thoughts?  Through words? Through actions?  Through deeds? Praying without ceasing or three times a day ... healthy eating ... adequate sleep ... and the list goes on. Which will it be -- committed or fully committed?

Thursday, June 2, 2016

How Committed

How committed are you to the things of God -- obedience to His commands ... study of the Word ... prayer ... Sunday worship service ... midweek Bible Study ... giving ... service ... your job ... your family ... timeliness ... et al?


On a scale of 1-10, 10 high, rate your level of commitment in each of these areas?  By all means, be honest with yourself.  God is watching you.  He knows you, He knows your heart, your every thought, all of your deeds, even your hidden secrets.  Review your ratings.  Also remember, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (see Romans 8:1).  So, don't go there.  God never intends that our honesty be condemning. 

Choose one of the areas to be more fully committed to.  What will you do differently?  For me, I am almost always at church and bible study. However, I am not always on time.  So I'm having to reconsider what being on time means -- is it being in the parking lot?  In the building?  At my desk? In my seat? On time?  Before time? I'm having to also consider why I am late.  What's the root cause?  Is it procrastination?  I used to be on time, actually early.  Why did I change? Why, in this area, am I moving away from God rather than closer to Him?   So I'm asking forgiveness and choosing to honor God by being on time.  I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13).  So can you with your commitments.