Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What Does Ask of You? part 2

" ... what does the Lord your God ask of you but to ... walk in all his ways ... ."

Consider Saul, the young man ... learned in Jewish law ... zealous for what he believed ... committed to the cause ... bold persecutor of Jesus.  After years of intense persecution of the church, initially referred to as the Way, Saul encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus.  The bright light blinded him as he fell to the ground.  Jesus asked "why are you persecuting me?"  (see Acts 9:4) Saul's Damascus road experience miraculously changed his heart and his very soul.  His zeal for the gospel of Christ was unwavering. His commitment to the cause of Jesus Christ was unshakeable.  This bold persecutor of Jesus became just as bold a warrior against the spiritual forces of evil.

Despite his years of intense persecution of the Christians, God used Saul mightily.  The spirit and actions of Saul used for bad, God changed, including his name to Paul, and used him for His good.  Paul's commission, his charge, his assignment was to evangelize the Gentile world, and to suffer much for the name of Jesus (see Acts 9:15-16).

Are you available to be used by God?  No matter what your past, God has a future for you.  Will you choose Jesus and His ways or choose to remain set on the world's ways?  How far away from home are you willing to travel? How much time are you willing to devote to a particular assignment?  How much of your personal finances will you devote to the work of ministry?  Will you stay focused no matter how great the challenges you face?  Are you, at times, ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ?  Will you stand for what's right when all around you choose not to do so?  Will you walk in all His ways?


Monday, November 12, 2012

What Does God Ask of You? part 1

"... what does the LORD your God ask of you but to ...
observe the LORD's commands and decrees ... ."

Consider the prophet Jonah.  God commanded him to go up, i.e., to go north, to Nineveh and preach against it. Jonah, apparently realizing that if Nineveh repented, God would not punish them for their sins against His chosen people.  So what did Jonah do? He went down, i.e., south to Tarshish.  God said go up, Jonah went down.  God said go north, Jonah went south.

How have you been like Jonah?  In what way(s) has the spirit of Jonah overtaken you? What has God asked you to do that you have, in actuality, done just the opposite? Where has God told you to go and you have refused?  To whom has God asked you to witness and you have chosen not to?  What has God advised against, and you've done anyway?  When God has said YES, you've said NO.  When God has said NO, you've said YES.

What difficulties are in your way because of disobedience to God's commands?  What lack may you be experiencing due to not giving as God has asked?  What sickness and disease are in your body because of your choice to not properly care for it?  What door of opportunity have you chosen not to walk through?  What relationship(s) is out of order because of your disobedience to His decrees?

God has not changed.  The same obedience He required of Jonah then, He requires of you today.  Choose willingness and obedience so that you may eat the best of the land (see Isaiah 1:19).

Monday, November 5, 2012

Is Anything Too Hard for God?

"I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?"
Jeremiah 32:27
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the issues of life? Ever felt that you were between a rock and a hard place?  Have your choices ever seemed like six in one hand, a half dozen in the other? Through the ages, so have other people of God thought and felt the same way.

In the 32nd chapter of Jeremiah, God tells his people that he has chosen Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, to take them captive, set the city of Jerusalem on fire, and burn it down. He lets them know they will be captive in a foreign land for 70 years. Even so, God promises to bring them back, let them live in safety, do them good, give them prosperity, restore their fortunes, and so much more. 

Remember that the same promises God made to those, His people, He makes to us today.  He does not change.  He cannot lie.  He is no respecter of persons. God wants you to know there is nothing too hard for Him.  There is nothing too difficult for Him.  There is nothing in your experience that God cannot handle. The answer you seek may not come when you want. It may not come in the way you think or desire.  But come it will, nothing is too hard for God.