Tuesday, May 28, 2013

On the Brink of Disaster

On the brink of disaster ... at the edge of the cliff ... on a slippery slope ... at death's door ... in the pit of hell, is this you?  Ever been there?  Ever felt that way? Are you there now?

"For nothing is impossible with God" (Luke 1:37).  These words were given during the angel's pronouncement to the virgin Mary that she would give birth to a son even though she had never had sexual intercourse with a man, that she would become pregnant by the Holy Spirit -- all impossible she may have thought, impossible we think.  Her cousin Elizabeth, well beyond child bearing years and barren, was six months pregnant according to the angel's pronouncement -- impossible. 

Internal Revenue Service demanding full payment on past due taxes? Son dealing drugs? 14 year old daughter pregnant?  Home in foreclosure?  Eviction scheduled, nowhere to go?  Spouse walked out?  Cancer diagnosis?  Your job downsized?  Business bankrupt?  Car repossessed?  Child brutally murdered?  On the brink of disaster?  Enough is enough ... nowhere to turn.  Impossible situation? 

Is anyone of these an impossible situation for you?  Not if the Word of God is true.  And it is.  "For nothing is impossible with God." If you're facing a mountain, speak to it (see Mark 11:23). Is your situation any more difficult than Mary having to tell her fiance, Joseph, that she was pregnant? Or to tell her parents? What about if you were Mary's mother?  Or Joseph's father?  Or the church (synagogue) leaders?  Is your situation any more difficult than Mary witnessing the savage and brutal crucifixion of her son? Speak to your mountain.  Expect the impossible to be made possible in your circumstance, no matter what it is.  "For nothing is impossible with God."

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