Saturday, February 1, 2014

I Love to Tell the Story

Words from an old hymn are "I love to tell the story ... of Jesus and His love."  In the aftermath of Birmingham's most recent and surprisingly harsh winter storm, how many of you have a story?  What is your story? How did Jesus show His love to and for you?  At The Guiding Light Church where I was, I learned a bit of the stories of many.  I recall a mother who arrived before noon to pick up her youngest child after having already picked up her twins from their school.  Four hours later, I saw her getting out of her car with the three children in tow.  She realized that she was unable to get home and so returned to the church for refuge.  What better place to seek refuge than where Jesus lives and rules and reigns.  The four of them were there until late morning two days later.  I can only imagine the children singing "yes, Jesus loves me."

 I love to tell the story of the mother and father who left their three year old on that Tuesday morning.  Mother was unable to pick up her precious child until late Thursday morning.  This mother and father experienced the love of Jesus as their child stayed peacefully through two nights away from them. Then, there's the story of the father who finally arrived safely to pick up his daughter.   Realizing that his wife was stuck in Hoover and he'd be unable to get up the hill to their home, he said "we might as well stay here with y'all."  So for the two days, they did.  And then, I'd love to hear the story of the pregnant mom who came to pick up her young child, stayed, and experienced the love of Jesus.

 A grandmother and grandfather picked up their two grandsons and realized their inability to get back to their home.  Grandmother's thought was, "let's go the church."  In her heart, she realized (without knowing for a certainty) that the church must be open.  And open it was.  For a full day, they experienced the love of Jesus, though not at their home, yet at home in His house.

 "The love of God is greater far than tongue or pen can ever tell" -- words from another old hymn.  Two seniors, both 80+, spent the night at the church.  One of them, our staff person in Adult Day Care, was asked to take the other senior, our client, home.  They left the church shortly after 2:00 p.m., but returned a short while later after realizing that the drive was treacherous.  Ask either of them about the love of God.  Any story that does not tell of the love of Jesus or the love of God is incomplete.  So, what is your story?

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