Thursday, August 9, 2012

What is Truth

What is truth? What is the truth?  Asked this very question by a college professor many years ago, I found myself unable to answer.  In a very small class of 10-12 doctoral students, no one could satisfactorily answer the question.  At least, that kept me from feeling really bad and singly uninformed.  The professor's assignment was for us to spend the following week seeking the question's answer. Upon return to class, we would write our responses in a blue book.  That I proceeded to do.  I literally looked 'high and low' starting with the best dictionary I could get my hands on, spent hours poring over books in the library, checked out the major philosophers, and more.  The dictionary definitions were so unhelpful: "fact, reality; real or actual, accurate or exact, opposite of false, fact or reality."
Somehow, I stumbled onto a verse of Scripture, John 8:32 (KJV) -- "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Repeating the verse, pondering its meaning, asking myself the question, so what is this truth? Looked in the bible's index or concordance and found two other helpful verses that helped me know and understand the answer to the question. One of the verses was where Jesus says "I am the truth" (see John 14:6), and the other was where Jesus prays to the Father saying "your word is the truth" (see John 17:17 ).  This is what I expounded on the following week during the blue book quiz, and received an A++.

I learned that if I could meet that class requirement of reading 16-17 books in one semester while taking 3 other classes, working a full-time job, and commuting four times a week to Tuscaloosa, I could read God's Word, the truth.

Given your situation or circumstance today, what is the truth regarding it? Are you seeking freedom from some issue of life; what is the truth regarding that issue? 

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