How much time do you have? Let's get serious, how much time do you really have? Only God knows. Consider some of our thoughts -- I'll get right on it -- tomorrow. God, I'll get started as soon as . . . I'll make the decision next week.
Jesus gives each of us a powerful challenge to not be like the rich man who accumulated much in life (see Luke 12:16-21). One great harvest after another led him to consider how good life and living and working had been for and to him. So he thought, here's what I'll do. I'll tear down my barns and build larger ones. "Then I can take life easy; eat, drink, and be merry." That very night, his soul was required. He thought he had time that he really did not have.
Uncertain of how much time you have, what are you doing that you should stop doing immediately? What are you not doing that you should start doing immediately? In doing these things, are you being rich toward God or rich toward the things of the world?
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