Life is indeed choice driven as my pastor often reminds us. He goes on to say that we live and we die by
the choices we make. As the Israelites
were setting out for the promised land, Moses pleaded with his brother-in-law,
Hobab, to travel with them and serve as their eyes because he knew the desert
and wilderness through which they would likely travel (see Numbers
10:29-31). Each of the two men had
choices to make. Moses made the choice
to seek help from one he knew. Should he
have trusted God to lead them as He had been doing? Whose direction would he choose to follow --
God's direction, his own direction, or Hobab's direction? Was God's way likely what I choose to call the
less traveled?"
The choice for Hobab was whether to leave his family or go with
Moses and a people he did not know? For
him, which was to be his "road less traveled?" Moses certainly pleaded with him to go. What was God's will in the matter? As we find, Hobab chose not to go.
Difficult choices are ever before us. Go or stay? Which road
would God have me take? The high road or the low road? North or south? East or west? Highway or
byway? This job or that one? Marry this one or that one? Go to school or go to work? Do both?
Take the path of least resistance?
Make this purchase now? Buy or rent? New car or used one? Unplanned
pregnancy -- abort or deliver? Leave home or stay? God's way or the world's
way? The road most traveled or the "road
less traveled?"
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