Even more pronounced during this season of celebrating the
birth of Jesus, many are experiencing broken hearts, physical sickness,
depression, stress, unhealthy emotions, mental illness, hustle and bustle,
hurry up, loneliness, grief, sadness, unhappiness, bitterness, regret, lack,
poverty, hurry up and wait, conflict, loss, confusion, fear, and the list goes
on. Through it all, make the choice to
be even more determined to serve God with your heart.
How, you may be thinking?
Be joyful. Rejoice in the Lord always. Sing joyfully to the Lord, e.g., "joy
to the world, the Lord is come."
Joyfully, show random acts of kindness to others. Speak joyfully to all who you encounter. Rejoice always. Smile joyously. Remember the fruit of the spirit, "love,
joy, peace ... ." Allow Jesus to
restore to you the joy of His salvation. From the depths of your heart, will you be joyful?