Tuesday, May 19, 2015


The Merriam-Webster definition of commencement includes "the time when something begins" and "an act, instance, or time of commencing."  All too often we may miss the real meaning of Commencement Exercises, and view them more literally as graduations, completions, ends.  The month of May is the time for Commencements.  During the first weekend in May, I attended three Commencements in one 24 hour period, two of which were out of town.  For my nephew who received a degree in electrical engineering, the exercise was likely for him a commencement to a successful career using what he's learned through this field of study.  For my niece who received a law degree, the exercise was probably a commencement to a successful career in some area of law.  For me, who was recognized for having received an undergraduate degree 50 years earlier, the exercise was a commencement to what?

Like, what's next? What have I been prepared to do?  In what am I to be successful?  Should I have a career focus?  In what activities should I be engaged?  To help answer those and similar questions, I looked to the Scriptures.  Jesus' commencement exercise was baptism in the Jordan by his cousin after 30 years of preparation for his earthly ministry.  Moses' commencement exercise was a burning bush experience at the age of 80 which launched his 40 year long deliverance ministry.  Saul's (name later changed to Paul) commencement exercise was a midlife Damascus road experience through which he learned how much he would suffer for the name of Jesus.  His commencement propelled him into a traveling ministry wherein he was instrumental in getting more churches started than any other.

In May, this month of commencement exercises, what's next for you?  What have you been prepared to do for the name of Jesus? Is age a factor?  Hear the words of the Lord penned by the prophet Isaiah -- for my thoughts are not your thoughts ... neither are your ways my ways ... my thoughts and ways are higher than yours ... my word does not return to me void or empty ... it accomplishes the purpose for which I sent it (see Isaiah 55:8-11).  So what's next for you? To what are you commencing?

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