Monday, September 3, 2012

Your Way or God's Way

What price will you pay to have it your way ... to live life as you want ... to get what you desire ... to get your needs met? In climbing the ladder of success, have you knocked others down? Is your mate of choice God's choice for you? Are you living life the world's way?

After the death of Gideon, the judge, his son Abimilech did not want to be the next judge but to be the king of a people that had never had a king before. To have it his way, he killed 69 of his 70 brothers on one stone. Did the people name him king? Oh yes, for sure they did. How long did it all last? Not long, for three years later a woman dropped a millstone on his head and cracked his skull. So set at having his own way, he asked his servant to kill him with a sword so it could not be said he was killed by a woman (See Judges 9).

I'm reminded of Isaiah's words that those who resist and rebel are devoured by the sword while the willing and obedient eat the best from the land (see Isaiah 1:19-20). Is having it your way worth it?

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